Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bully for you!

At the end of our yoga practice, sitting quietly on the mat with our hands in prayer position, we often lift our thumbs to touch our lips, a reminder that "our words matter."  I love this because yes, sometimes we do need a reminder.

As a writer, I have always been aware of the power of words.  As an educator, I am hopeful that the textual world we live in will make us all more cognizant of language and intention.  Yet, I know this will take time.  Living in a culture that prizes high-speed communication over slower, meditative response is arguably more conducive to spreading hurtful words with ill-conceived regard.

Intentions matter. Just as we say things we don't mean, the thoughts we convey in our emails, our text messages, our blogs, matter. Intentions can create heroes worthy of worship or bring nearly irreparable damage to otherwise steadfast relationships.

Words matter.  Language is our vehicle to communicate love, hate, joy, rage, envy and gratitude. There are so many opportunities for misinterpretation. Certainly we can throw in an emoticon or an "LOL" to define our intentions but the truth is, there is no guarantee of how our words will be received.

These things, harmful intentions and quick words, are the culprits of mindless communication.  They are what fuels bullying, not just in the schools with our children but in the work place with our colleagues and on the Internet with our contacts.  Yet the ever-so-bright side is that we have the power to re-set our intentions and to re-think our words.

Our words matter.  I love being reminded of that.  :)


Carol Willette Bachofner said...

This was forwarded to me today by a friend; it is meaningful because I was bombarded by the kind of speech that might have diminished me. I am cheered by this blog post.

Angel Surdin said...

Oh wow, thank you Carol! (And thank your friend for me as well.) Unkind words can be so painful; I am glad that these experiences did not diminish you! Namaste :)