Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day Ten

It is 5:45 a.m. and I am up especially early to prepare for my first practice teach.

Yesterday we spent both the morning and afternoon sessions doing posture clinics. The clinics focused on back extensions, primarily the bow and cobra poses. I enjoy the back extensions and have recently been able to hold my wheel position for ten breaths, but they can be somewhat taxing on my body.

We shall have some time off this evening; I will be happy for a little break. Happy Tuesday, everyone! Namaste :)


Melanie said...

For some reason, I didn't think you were blogging there! I'm glad I checked and was wrong!

Angel Surdin said...

Yes, I have to blog from my phone, which is not my favorite. I nearly decided not to blog while I am here; then I remembered that this was the primary reason I created the blog! Thanks for checking :)

DiTa said...

I am so glad you decided to blog even though it is difficult on the phone. It is so interesting to hear about this experience and will make a wonderful keepsake when this is over.

Angel Surdin said...

I agree, Patricia! Plus I'm hoping that blogging in the mornings will get me into the habit of writing a little bit every morning (as well as rising at 5:30!).

M. Mulholland said...

You are ahead of me on the wheel, Girlfriend!

Angel Surdin said...

It took me long time, M.! :)