Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day Four

I have six minutes until morning sadhana and I don't think that is enough time to type a post; but I shall try.

Yesterday was a busy day but filled with good information. Last night we had e beautiful meditation in motion ceremony wherein we all received a set of mala beads. It was all very meaningful. However, the most significant thing I took away was that while I know I am a person who can be quiet, I have a difficult time sitting still.



Nicole G said...

Thinking about you constantly. So happy for you and this journey that you are on! =D

Angel Surdin said...

Thanks, Nicole! I wish you could come here. You would LOVE it!! Love you! :)

DiTa said...

Your insight is commendable.
But most of us who see you in action know you are always in motion.
Glad you are having a good time & learning so much.
Happy 4th.

Angel Surdin said...

Thanks, Patricia! You are right; I definitely like to move!
Happy Fourth to you :D

M. Mulholland said...

What do the beads signify?

Angel Surdin said...

M., good question! I can only tell you that I was half-focused during that portion of the program...I was having a difficult time settling in...I know there are 108-repetitions involved (one for each bead) and I know there is a longer story but I will have to refresh myself on the specifics.