I made a quick trip home last night to do some laundry and pick up a few items I forgot to bring with me last weekend. Subsequently, I ended up leaving a few items at the house again this afternoon. Alas.
Yesterday we had a truly amazing lecture on yoga philosophy which focused on the first two limbs of Patanjali's Eight-Limbed Path, the Yamas (character-building restraints) and Niyamas (character-building observances). Our guest lecturer was a well-read scholar and an incredibly dynamic speaker. Suffice it to say, the lecture was both informative and interesting.
We had a short posture clinic in the afternoon and each student had a check-in with one of the assistants wherein we demonstrated two postures and had a brief one-on-on discussion afterward. I'm happy to say my check-in went very well.
Today was our day off from the program. However, we have an observation report due tomorrow morning so, in order to complete that, we had/have to attend another class sometime over the weekend. I attended my class this evening but I still have to write up my report.
And so I will end this post and ready myself for week two of my training. Namaste :)
Great news about your check-in. What did you do on your day off?
I went home and did a little check-in of my own: pups, Aaron, laundry... :)
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