Good morning from the magnificently serene sun room. I have ventured up here to study with my dear friend Sarah. The weather this morning is cool and pleasant and I hope that continues through our final week of training.
Yesterday was a day off. I awoke early (at home) and finished my laundry, wrapped a birthday gift (Happy Birthday, Ellenor!), walked the dogs, and had breakfast with Aaron. I also gave the dogs a little body bath, delivered the gift, did a marathon shopping trip, and enjoyed some frozen yogurt with Nicole before heading back.
By the time I attended my yoga class, ate dinner, and wrote up my report, it was already nearly eight o'clock in the evening. So yesterday felt like a whirlwind. My hope is that today will be more grounding. Namaste, my friends.
May seem overwhelming, but glad you are getting it all done and will soon have it all balanced, too. OXO
Thanks, M.! Me, too :)
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