Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beauty and the Best

For a long time I was reluctant to tell people that I had been accepted into a yoga teacher training program. That's just me and my fear of failure (we do a number of things together...or we don't, it depends on which one of us happens to be calling the shots.).  You see, I tend to harbor good news as if it were a dangerous fugitive.  I worry that I may not succeed so in order to keep from disappointing people, I just don't tell them.  

I did tell a few people right away because I was pretty excited.  As I started attending more yoga classes and got to know the "regulars," I felt compelled to share my news with them as well.  But then I didn't want to be that annoying girl in class who is all like, "Look at me! I'm going to yoga teacher training!"  So I kept the news to myself.

Flowers and well-wishes from one of my lovely
yoga instructors :)
Eventually, I decided that sharing the news might be a good thing.  I started by telling some of my instructors then some of the wonderful people in my yoga classes.  The response has been overwhelming.  Everyone -- especially my instructors at Estudio -- has been so amazingly supportive and excited and just plain wonderful about my training.  Of course my friends have been top-notch; they always are.  And my family and Aaron have all been fantastic.  I feel so grateful and so very blessed.  Namaste, my friends, namaste.

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